
Flinton Dry Gin


750 ml

Carefully combining high-quality original gin spirits and fine grain spirits, produces a gin with a classic taste, which is as versatile as it is vivacious. The distinctively refreshing taste of Lemon Gin for gin lovers, with its subtle natural flavour and bouquet.



Experience the Exquisite Taste of Flinton Dry Gin in Malaysia

Flinton Dry Gin is a premium gin that epitomizes the perfect fusion of high-quality original gin spirits and fine-grain spirits. This meticulous combination results in a gin with a classic taste that is both versatile and vivacious. Crafted with the utmost care, Flinton Dry Gin offers a distinctively refreshing experience for gin enthusiasts, particularly those in Malaysia.

This product comes in two flavors, lemon and dry, with a 38% alcohol content.

Delight Your Senses with Lemon Gin Variant

One of the standout features of Flinton Dry Gin is its delightful Lemon Gin variant. This particular gin is a true delight for the senses, offering a refreshing burst of flavor that is sure to captivate the Malaysian market. The subtle natural flavor and bouquet of Lemon Gin make it a perfect choice for those seeking a unique and invigorating gin experience.

The Preferred Choice for Discerning Gin Enthusiasts

Where discerning gin enthusiasts are constantly seeking new and exciting flavors in Malaysia, Flinton Dry Gin stands out as a top contender. Its carefully crafted taste profile and attention to detail make it the preferred choice for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

A Captivating Gin Experience in Malaysia

Flinton Gin is a meticulously crafted gin that combines high-quality original gin spirits and fine-grain spirits to create a classic and versatile taste by DCSL. With its distinctively refreshing Lemon Gin variant, Flinton Gin offers a subtle natural flavor and bouquet that is sure to captivate gin lovers in Malaysia.

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