About Us
Premium versions of spirits from DCSL including Coconut Arrack, Rum & Vodka have found lucrative markets both in Sri Lanka and other countries, where it is marketed as a smooth, artisan spirit that can be either drunk neat, or used in cocktails. Ceylon Arrack is a traditional Sri Lankan spirit distilled from the sap of the coconut flower, aged in Sri Lankan oak casks.
Finespirits.my: Premium DCSL Spirits
Fine Spirits offers a wide range of Sri Lankan original liquor products and Sri Lankan/Foreign joint venture-products in 750ml and 1L glass bottles, each with their unique branding and packaging that adds further value and differentiation mileage.
The unique flavour qualities of Sri Lanka’s spirits, their versatility in concocting cocktails, economical nature, and international-standard distilling and production methods, are now captured in full in Abbi Holdings’ liquor and spirits offering from the island nation.
The products come from a strong lineage of Sri Lankan and international liquor powerhouses now categorized within the Stassen Group: the Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka (DCSL) with a history well over 100 years; and Periceyl (Pvt) Ltd, which is now a fully-owned subsidiary of DCSL, and started out as a joint venture between DCSL and Groupe Pernod Ricard (France) in 1996/1997.
Each bringing their world-approved processes and expertise, and the overall richness and quality of Sri Lankan liquor, Abbi Holdings now carries an extensive line of unique brands under these two groups.
Double Distilled Arrack
Old Arrack

The DCSL brand portfolio consists primarily of spirits produced by locally (Sri Lankan) distilled toddy, a type of alcoholic beverage obtained from the coconut palm. Their main product, Distilled Coconut Arrack of white and brown varieties, is now enjoyed worldwide by liquor connoisseurs, and Abbi Holdings offers DCSL’s uniquely produced blends across Malaysia and regionally as well.
Periceyl’s brand portfolio includes a variety of Sri Lankan distilled foreign and local spirits including types of Rum, Whiskey, Vodka, and Gin bearing truly international flavour characteristics, further extending Abbi Holdings’ distinctive spirits offering in Malaysia. This allows for a wider range of international quality, economical liquor products for consumption in Malaysia and across the region.